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Gender Utopia

What is the world we want to live in? What is a perfect society? In this 5-day seminar organised by the Austrian branch of the peace organisation Service Civil International (SCI), you will become a visionary. Using utopic thinking, theatre and non-formal education, we will explore how (not) to create an equal, inclusive and safe space for all young people in the projects that we organise – no matter their gender or sexual orientation.

The focus of discussion will lie on short international youth projects such as short-term volunteering projects (workcamps) or youth exchanges. Wewill discuss and explore tools how we can create equality and inclusion inthese kinds of projects and experience some of those tools on ourselves during the seminar.

The seminar will take place in a cabbin or seminar facility in the Tyrolean Alps in order to isolate us from the problems and challenges we face in everyday life.

Questions and topics we will deal with will be for example:

As an outcome, we wish for lots of new cooperation between involved partner organisations and will stress this part with several sessions. We also would like to create inspirational guidelines for youth workers who want to work on gender and sexualities in their short-term youth projectsand who want to make their existing projects more inclusive and equal.